This page explains the role of administrators (sometimes called admins or sysops) on Wikimedia Commons. Note that details of the role, and the way in which administrators are appointed, may differ from other sites.
If you want to request administrator help, please post at Administrators' noticeboard.
There are currently 205 administrators on Commons.
What is an administrator?
Administrators as of January 2022 [+/−] Listing by language • Listing by date • Listing by activity |
Number of Admins: 205
The system currently recognizes 205 administrators. If that is not the last number in the scrollable list above, there is an error in the list. |
Administrators are users with the technical ability on Wikimedia Commons to:
- delete and undelete images and other uploaded files, and to view and restore deleted versions
- delete and undelete pages, and to view and restore deleted revisions
- protect and unprotect pages, and to edit admin-protected pages
- block and unblock users, individual IP addresses and IP address ranges
- edit less-restricted interface messages (see also Commons:Interface administrators)
- rename files
- add and remove user groups
- configure Upload Wizard campaigns
- delete and undelete specific log entries and revisions of pages
- import pages from other wikis
- merge the history of pages
- modify abuse filters
- not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
- override the spoofing checks and title or username blacklist
- send a message to multiple users at once (massmessage)
- use higher limits in API queries
These are collectively known as the admin tools.
Community role
Administrators are experienced and trusted members of the Commons community who have taken on additional maintenance work and have been entrusted with the admin tools by public consensus/vote. Different admins have different areas of interest and expertise, but typical admin tasks include determining and closing deletion requests, deleting copyright violations, undeleting files where necessary, protecting Commons against vandalism, and working on templates and other protected pages. Of course, some of these tasks can be done by non-admins as well.
Administrators are expected to understand the goals of this project, and be prepared to work constructively with others towards those ends. Administrators should also understand and follow Commons' policies, and where appropriate, respect community consensus.
Apart from roles which require use of the admin tools, administrators have no special editorial authority by virtue of their position, and in discussions and public votes their contributions are treated in the same way as any ordinary editor. Some admins may become more influential, not due to their position as such, but from the personal trust they may have gained from the community.
Suggestions for administrators
Please read Commons:Guide to adminship.
Removal of administrator rights
Under the de-admin policy, administrator rights may be revoked due to inactivity or misuse of sysop tools. In an de-admin request, normal standards for determining consensus in an RfA do not apply. Instead, "majority consensus" should be used, whereby any consensus to demote of higher than 50% is sufficient to remove the admin.
Apply to become an administrator
All intending administrators must go through this process and submit themselves to RFA, including all ex-administrators who are seeking to return to their previous role.
First, go to Commons:Administrators/Howto and read the information there. Then come back here and make your request in the section below.
- After clicking the appropriate button and creating the subpage, copy the link to the subpage, e.g. "Commons:Administrators/Requests/Username", edit Commons:Administrators/Requests and paste it in at the top of the section, then put it in double curly brackets (e.g. {{Commons:Administrators/Requests/Username}}) to transclude it. Request a watchlist notice at MediaWiki talk:WatchlistNotice, or edit MediaWiki:WatchlistNotice to put up one if you are an administrator.
- If someone else nominated you, please accept the nomination by stating "I accept" or something similar, and signing below the nomination itself. The subpage will still need to be transcluded by you or your nominator.
Use the box below, replacing Username with your username: |
Any registered user may vote here although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted. It is preferable you give reasons for both Support and Oppose votes as this will help the closing bureaucrat in their decision. Greater weight is given to an argument, with supporting evidence if needed, than to a simple vote.
Promotion normally requires at least 75% in favour, with a minimum of 8 support votes. Votes from unregistered users are not counted. However, the closing bureaucrat has discretion in judging community consensus, and the decision will not necessarily be based on the raw numbers. Bureaucrats may, at their discretion, extend the period of an RfA if they feel that it will be helpful in better determining community consensus.
Neutral comments are not counted in the vote totals for the purposes of calculating pass/fail percentages. However, such comments are part of the discussion, may persuade others, and contribute to the closing bureaucrat's understanding of community consensus.
Purge the cache Use the edit link below to edit the transcluded page.
Requests for adminship
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Administrators/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Administrators before voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
1989 (talk · contributions · deleted user contributions · recent activity · logs · block log · global contribs · CentralAuth)
- Scheduled to end: 23:59, 12 January 2022 (UTC)
Hello. Today I'm asking for the restoration of the sysop flag I held prior Aug 2020. I'd like to continue assisting with the backlogs, including: investigating copyright violations + speedy proposals, closing DRs, etc. I am part of the Top 5 in both 2019 and 2020 in terms of administration activity, so best believe I stand by my words on my motive for the toolset. I believed I have addressed situations in my previous request which led to my clouded resignation. As for the year ago issue, I apologize for using harsh language towards someone who taunted me on my talk page and prior AN/U for speaking my opinion. I'll be sure to have a more appropriate reaction in the future. 1989 (talk) 23:59, 5 January 2022 (UTC)
Oppose Simply no confidence. And persistently going for an RfA every couple of months certainly is not what might make me change my mind. --A.Savin 00:50, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Oppose Too trigger-happy on speedy deletions, such as Commons:Deletion requests/File:Saptarangi Saccos.jpg (FBMD is not a valid reason for speedy), Commons:Deletion requests/File:It-crispiano-scan-141102-0001e.jpg (reasonable possibility of PD in violation of COM:CSD#F1), or Commons:Deletion requests/File:SR Périgueux (4).jpg (COM:CSD#F3 "does not apply to photographs taken in a public place"). Even when the speedy is correct, they often fail to provide a good rationale/evidence, simply citing COM:NETCOPYVIO. They often do it on images that don't mention any external source in the file description, leaving the patrolling admin to wonder why it is a copyvio and have to do a search on their own. This is bad for documentation purposes, and I fear that if they become admin, they will delete images with a generic summary and when the uploader comes back a year later on COM:UNDEL challenging the deletion, we won't have any record of why it was deleted. -- King of ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ 01:19, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
- Yes, there was a time I would tag files as COM:NETCOPYVIO while there was no source mentioned in the file summary. In my defense, when the image I tagged would easily show on Google that showed no Wikipedia mirrors, I thought that would be more than enough. However since then, I no longer do that.
- I had no idea that the image in Commons:Deletion requests/File:It-crispiano-scan-141102-0001e.jpg would possibility be in the Public Domain. At the time when I tagged, there was no information in the file summary nor the licensing that would suggest such. Not sure why I should at fault for that.
- The FBMD "not valid for speedy" is up to anyones interpretation. I have nominated plenty and others that mention copyright information in the Metadata section uploaded by single-purpose accounts for speedy, and they have been deleted.
- For the fear and "trigger-happy" comment, when I was an admin, before deleting, I would always investigate whether or not something was a copyright violation, whether a source was mentioned or not. I received very little complaints in regards to use of the deletion tool. 1989 (talk) 02:12, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
- You often oppose requests for adminship on the basis of what I would call relatively minor mistakes. Yes, every mistake is a potential concern, but I think we should be more forgiving, especially when you consider 1) the number of quality contributions in comparison to the number of errors, 2) the ubiquity of human error, even among the most experienced of admins, and 3) the ongoing process of learning and improvement that characterizes every good-faith contributor. I am satisfied with 1989's response above and have faith in their ability to effectively execute their administerial duties. Mysterymanblue 07:17, 7 January 2022 (UTC)
Oppose --pandakekok9 01:41, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Oppose I have reviewed previous nominations and the desysop history and I am afraid that you are too emotional to hold extended permissions rubin16 (talk) 06:36, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Moral support Commons has had and has less good admins. I may even be one of them in some people's eyes... Herby talk thyme 13:21, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Leaning to oppose per concern raised by King of Hearts and Rubin16. JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 14:01, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Support It is better to give a participant a try to rehabilitate than to refuse. - Gerarus (talk) 15:59, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Regrettably oppose per A.Savin. 1989 gives me little confidence of not making any problems that will lead to de-sysop once again. --A1Cafel (talk) 16:24, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
with questions I do not know what entitles me to vote in this referendum. Until now, I didn't even know that this candidacy existed. But since I take my participation in the community very seriously and have uploaded a lot of pictures in the last year, I would like to contribute to the discussion. In my opinion, the principle of equality also applies to former admins and the candidate should not be excluded because of incorrect behaviour in the past. I have read the previous discussions and think that a slightly too emotional reaction will not be a reason for future misconduct. It rather shows that the candidate has learned from his mistakes, his advantage is - it is known how to behave correctly and the admin tools can be used effectively. However, as I am still quite new to the community, I have some questions for the candidate, which he should please answer:
- How do you want to help newcomers in the community to understand the system and find their way around?
- Will you take action yourself to help new users understand why it is important to follow the process?
- Can you approach users and proactively explain to them how to correctly follow the attribution process for non-self-shot images?
- Do you send mails/info to users to remind them of deadlines in the submission process (e.g. 30-day deadline)?
- Can you name users/processes where you have helped new users to find their way into the community more quickly?
- What languages do you speak without a translation tool and are you willing to hand over processes to other admins if you don't understand the language correctly?
- what are your preferences in the community, finding and uniting users or handling administrative tasks ?
- according to you have only uploaded about 100 files so far, what do you think entitles you to be an admin here if you hardly upload any pictures yourself ?
- will you continue to contribute even if you don't become admin ? Why am I asking this, you have very few edits in 2020/2021 as opposed to 2017!
Sorry for so many questions (and my badly english), but your application text doesn't say anything about that, so thank you in advance for answering.--Cookroach (talk) 23:45, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Support Their past behaviour was certainly unwise, but more in the sense of not poking badgers with spoons, rather than being damaging to the project. Andy Dingley (talk) 03:21, 7 January 2022 (UTC)
Oppose Too many issues. Disembodied Soul (talk) 04:44, 7 January 2022 (UTC)
Support It sounds like they learned from their mistakes, and I am glad to give second changes. 1989 seems like he was a pretty good admin and I am happy to support the return of their experience, especially given the need for experienced admins.
- As for the controversy that led to their desysop, I was not aware of it when it happened and did not participate in discussions at the time. I'll say that I don't think we should be using rollback for non-vandalism, because it is not a tool for exerting editorial power over other contributors. I also think that admins should not be above the block, though policy might not agree with me on that point. The most troubling thing to me about the whole controversy is that its roots appear to be in a personal spat between two admins. From what I can glean, it seems that 1989 and A.Savin have a history of unfriendly behavior toward each other, with A.Savin repeatedly (and baselessly, in my opinion) calling into question the quality of 1989's contributions. I don't know who started this, and quite frankly I don't care. Both, in my opinion, are in the moral wrong, and 1989 is only suffering consequences because they were caught on a technicality. I refuse to villainize them. We should never elevate a personal disagreement between two users to this level of community discussion. Unfortunately, we already have. The right thing to do, in my opinion, would be to return the state of things to the way they were before we blew them out of proportion. Mysterymanblue 07:04, 7 January 2022 (UTC)
- In your own words, what caused you to be desysopped less than 2 years ago? Can you explain how you have addressed those concerns and/or will prevent those situations from reoccurring in the future? How about Commons:Administrators/Requests/1989 (3)? --AntiCompositeNumber (talk) 00:09, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
- I was desysopped due to poor judgement based on use of the block button against two administrators. I have expressed in my last request that I will not block another admin unless in emergency situations, e.g. compromised account, along with the reasons behind my actions. As of number 3, I told someone who I felt was taunting me to fuck off. I admit it was a bad choice of words, and should of not allowed my emotions to take control. As said before, I will give a more appropriate response in the future when dealing with someone like them. 1989 (talk) 00:28, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
- Was this my comment really wikt:taunt? --A.Savin 14:19, 7 January 2022 (UTC)
- I was desysopped due to poor judgement based on use of the block button against two administrators. I have expressed in my last request that I will not block another admin unless in emergency situations, e.g. compromised account, along with the reasons behind my actions. As of number 3, I told someone who I felt was taunting me to fuck off. I admit it was a bad choice of words, and should of not allowed my emotions to take control. As said before, I will give a more appropriate response in the future when dealing with someone like them. 1989 (talk) 00:28, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Requests for bureaucratship
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Bureaucrats/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Bureaucrats before posting or voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
No current requests.
Requests for CheckUser rights
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Checkusers/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Checkusers before posting or voting here. Any logged in user may vote although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
No current requests.
Requests for Oversight rights
When complete, pages listed here should be archived to Commons:Oversighters/Archive.
- Please read Commons:Oversighters before voting here. Any logged in user may vote, although those who have few or no previous edits may not be fully counted.
No current requests.