This is a photograph and at least 50 years have elapsed since the original from which the photograph was directly or indirectly derived was made (that is, it was first taken before or on 7 January 1972)
This is an original published literary, dramatic or musical work, or a published engraving or an artistic work (other than an engraving or photograph) and at least 50 years have passed since the date of the author's death (that is, the author died before or on 7 January 1972)
This is an original literary, dramatic or musical work or an engraving not published, or performed or delivered in public and at least 50 years have passed since the date when the work was published, or performed or delivered in public, whichever occurs first (that is, the relevant act occurred before or on 7 January 1972)
This is a work of the government and at least 50 years have passed since the date when the work was published, or performed or delivered in public, whichever occurs first (that is, the relevant act occurred before or on 7 January 1972)
You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States. Note that this work might not be in the public domain in countries that do not apply the rule of the shorter term and have copyright terms longer than life of the author plus 50 years. In particular, Mexico is 100 years, Jamaica is 95 years, Colombia is 80 years, Guatemala and Samoa are 75 years, Switzerland and the United States are 70 years, and Venezuela is 60 years.
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the File namespace
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all users
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